ST3 Plant Transformation, BioImaging and Live Cell Ca2+ Imaging, March 2015 in Durham (UK)
In ST3 the group of Marc Knight from Durham University, supported by Ute Vothknecht from LMU Munich, provided practical training in BioImaging and LiveCell Ca2+ imaging technologies. The five-day course took place from March 23rd to 27th, bringing together 16 participants, including the ESRs and ERs from the ITN CALIPSO, in one of the oldest and most prestigious Universities in the United Kingdom.
The workshop activities included an overview of the cutting edge plant transformation techniques, calcium measurement and microscopy technologies, supervised by highly experienced assistants, as well as a hands on component, where the participants experienced the various techniques and technologies available, testing both provided and their own samples.
The main aim of the workshop was to make the ERs and ESRs aware of the availability of these research tools which could be employed to develop their own projects and to expand their technical knowledge.

Durham Centre for Bioimaging Technology:
The programme of the workshop as PDF