University of Vienna

Markus Teige
Coordinator of the network
Studies of Chemistry, University of Hannover (DE) PhD thesis Institute of Plant Genetics, IPK Gatersleben (DE).
Expertise: Protein kinases, Chloroplasts
Group leader Plant Signalling
Molecular Systems Biology
University of Vienna (AT)
+43 (0)1 4277 76530, lab: ext. 76566

Helga Waltenberger
Project manager of the network
Studies of Psychology, Univ. of Vienna (AT), Executive Manager with Greiter GmbH. Expertise: Project Management ITN COSI 2008-2012
Molecular Systems Biology
University of Vienna (AT)
+43 (0)1 4277 76530 secr: ext. 76551

Wolfram Weckwerth
Scientist in charge at the University of Vienna
Studies of Chemistry, TU Berlin(DE) PhD thesis Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, TU Berlin(DE).Expertise: Systems Biology, Proteomics, Metabolomics
Professor of Molecular Systems Biology
Faculty of Life Sciences University of Vienna (AT)
+43 (0)1 4277 76550, secr: ext. 76551

Michele Grieco
Experienced Researcher (ER) at the University of Vienna
Studies of Biology at Universita’ degli Studi del Sannio, Benevento (IT), PhD thesis at the Dept. of Biology, University of Turku (FI). Expertise: Regulation of Photosynthesis in Plants.
Molecular Systems Biology
University of Vienna (AT)
+43 (0)660 402 2197

Manuela Leonardelli
Early Stage Researcher (ESR) at the University of Vienna
Studies of Molecular Biology, University of Padua(IT), Master thesis at LMU Munich (DE): "Establishment and Evaluation of new aequorin-based calcium indicators for calcium measurments in planta upon abiotic and biotic stresses". Expertise: calcium signalling, plant stresses.
Molecular Systems Biology
University of Vienna (AT)
+43 (0)6603895707

Valentin Roustan
Early Stage Researcher (ESR) at the University of Vienna
Studies of Plant Biosciences, University Toulouse Paul Sabatier (FR), Master thesis at LIPM Castanet Tolosan (FR): "Structure-activity analysis of a high affinity binding protein for symbiotic Lipo-Chitooligosccharidic signals in Medicago truncatula". Expertise: Forward genetic, site directed mutagenesis and chimeric protein construction (cloning), ligand binding.
Molecular Systems Biology
University of Vienna (AT)
+43 (0)1 4277 76532
Université de Genève

Michel Goldschmidt-Clermont
Scientist in charge at the University of Geneva (UNIGE)
Studies of Biochemistry, University of Geneva (CH) PhD thesis: Department of Molecular Biology, University of Geneva (CH). Expertise: Chloroplast biogenesis, Chlamydomonas
Professor of Plant Biology
Department of Molecular Biology
University of Geneva (CH)
+ 41 (0)22 379 6188

Alexis Riché
Early Stage Researcher (ESR) at the University of Geneva (UNIGE)
Studies: Master’s Degree in Integrative Plant Biology, Federated Training “Grand-Ouest” in Plant Sciences (University of Angers, Brest, Nantes, Poitiers, Rennes 1 and Tours; Agrocampus Ouest agricultural colleges; INRA) (FR), Master thesis at the Research Institute in Horticulture and Seeds, Angers (FR): “Study of the physiological role of amino-acids rhizodéposition for adaptation to the environment”, Expertise: Plant physiology, photosynthesis monitoring.
Department of Molecular Biology
University of Geneva (CH)
+41 (0)22 379 3103
University of Turku

Eva Mari Aro
Scientist in charge at Turun yliopisto University of Turku (UTU)
Studies of plant physiology, University of Turku (FI). PhD thesis at the Dept. of Biology, University of Turku (FI). Expertise: Regulation of Photosynthesis in Plants and Cyanobacteria.
Professor of Botany
Department of Biochemistry and Food Chemistry
University of Turku (FI)
+358 (0)2 333 5931

Peter Gollan
co-PI at Turun yliopisto University of Turku (UTU)
Studies of plant molecular biology, University of Turku (FI). PhD thesis at the Dept. of Life Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology (AU). Expertise: Photosynthesis in signalling networks, thylakoid lumen proteins.
Postdoctoral Researcher, Academy of Finland
Department of Biochemistry and Food Chemistry
University of Turku (FI)
+358 (0)2 333 8077

Julia Walter
Early Stage Researcher (ESR) at the Turun yliopisto University of Turku (UTU)
Studies: Bio Sciences at University of Potsdam (DE), Functional Plant Sciences studies at University of Rostock (DE), Master thesis "Characterizing glycine decarboxylase complex L-subunit overexpression mutants of Arabidopsis". Expertise: Genetic analyses, (Phospho-)Proteomics, Gas exchange measurements.
Department of Biochemistry and Food Chemistry
University of Turku (FI)
+358 (0)2 333 8092
GMI Vienna

Claudia Jonak
Scientist in charge at the GMI
Studies of Genetics, University of Vienna (AT). PhD thesis Institute of Microbiology and Genetics, University of Vienna (AT). Expertise: Signal transduction, protein kinases, plant stress physiology.
Group leader
Stress signal transduction and cellular responses
Health and Environment Department
Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (AT)
+43 (0) 505504623

Bikram Pandey
Early Stage Researcher (ESR) at Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology (GMI)
Studies of Molecular Biotechnology, University of Bonn (DE), Thesis: "Characterization of promiscuous enzyme active of Aldehyde dehydrogenases in Arabidopsis thaliana". Expertise: Protein expression, purification. Enzyme kinetics, Gene cloning.
Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Biology, Vienna (AT)
+43 (0)1 79044 9856
JU Krakow

Halina Gabrys
Scientist in charge at Jagiellonian University of Krakow (JU)
Studies of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University (PL) PhD thesis Institute of Molecular Biology, Jagiellonian University of Krakow (PL). Expertise: Chloroplast movement, Light signalling, Cytoskeleton.
Professor of Plant Physiology
Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Biotechnology
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Krakow (PL)
+0048 12 664 6520

Christian Louis Volk
Early Stage Researcher (ESR) at the Jagiellonian University of Krakow (JU) & elected trainee's representative
Studies of Biology, University of Freiburg (DE) Diploma thesis “Analysis on reprogramming in Physcomitrella patens". Expertise: Plant biotechnology, plant physiology, reverse genetics
Dpt. Plant Biotechnology
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Krakow (PL)
+48 12 664 6391
Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris

Angela Falciatore
Scientist in charge at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)
Studies of Biology, University of Naples (IT) PhD thesis Stazione Zoologica of Naples, University Federico II of Naples (IT). Expertise: Diatom biology; Molecular signalling; Diatom photoperception; Functional genomics; Gene silencing.
Group leader Diatom Genomics
Génomique des Microorganismes
Université Pierre et Marie Curie (FR)
+33 (0)14427 8142

Michael Thaler
Early Stage Researcher (ESR) at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)
Studies of Biology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (DE); Thesis: "In vivo studies of oligomerization and membrane association of Vipp1"; Expertise: BN Protein Purification, Transient Transformation, Cultivation Media.
Génomique des Microorganismes
Université Pierre et Marie Curie (FR)
University of Durham

Marc Knight
Scientist in charge at Durham University (UDUR)
Studies of Botany, University of Durham (UK); PhD thesis in Biochemistry, University of Glasgow, (UK). Expertise: Calcium signalling, calcium imaging and abiotic stress.
Professor of Plant Cell Signalling,
School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Durham University (UK)
+44 (0) 191 33 41224

Gioia Lenzoni
Early Stage Researcher (ESR) at the Durham University (UDUR)
Studies Molecular Biology, University of Padova (IT), Master thesis at the University of California San Diego (USA): "The Arabidopsis transcription factor C2H2 2 is involved in the auxin downstream pathway". Expertise: Plant physiology, calcium signaling, gene expression analysis and plant hormones.
School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Durham University, Durham (UK)
+44 (0) 191 33 41271
University of Bonn

Ute Vothknecht
Scientist in charge at University of Bonn
Studies of Biology at the Philipps-University Marburg (DE). PhD thesis at the Faculty of Life Science, Philipps-University Marburg (DE). Expertise: Chloroplast (Thylakoid) Biogenesis, Calcium regulation in endosymbiotic organelles.
Plant Cell Biology - IZMB,
University of Bonn (DE)
+49 (0)228 73 5999

Edoardo Cutolo
Early Stage Researcher (ESR) at University of Bonn
Master of Sciences in Plant Biotechnology at Gent University (BE). Thesis: Growth heterosis in hybrid maize, cellular and transcriptome analysis of the leaf growth zone. Expertise: calcium signaling in response to abiotic stress in plants.
Plant Cell Biology - IZMB,
University of Bonn (DE)
Universität Frankfurt

Ingo Ebersberger
Scientist in charge at Goethe University of Frankfurt (GU)
Studies of Biology at the Mainz University (DE). PhD thesis at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology , Leipzig (DE). Expertise: Phylogenomics, Molecular Evolution, Phylogenetic Profiling, Functional Annotation Transfer.
Professor of Applied Bioinformatics
Institut für Zellbiologie & Neurowissenschaft
Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main
+49 (0)69 798 42112

Arpit Jain
Early Stage Researcher (ESR) at Goethe University of Frankfurt (GU)
Master of Technology in Bioinformatics & Biotechnology at University of Rajasthan, India. Thesis: Identification of structural elements in proteins. Junior Research Fellow at IIT-Delhi, India. Expertise: Algorithm designing, Molecular dynamics & simulation, Microarray data analysis.
Department of Applied Bioinformatics
Institut für Zellbiologie & Neurowissenschaft
Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main
+49 (0)15750913290
Bayer Crop Science

Alexander Gallé
Scientist in charge at Bayer CropScience Gent (BCSGent)
Studies in Biology, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf (DE), PhD on Plant Physiology at the University of Bern (CH). Expertise: Photosynthesis, Stress Physiology, Plant Imaging
Technologiepark Gent (BE)
+32 9 2430704

Izabela Matyszczak
Experienced Researcher (ER) at Bayer CropScience Gent (BCSGent)
MSc studies: Biotechnology of Plant and Microorganisms at University of Silesia in Katowice, Department of Plant Genetics (PL) PhD studies: ‘Characterization of early maturity barley mutants praematurum-a, -b and –c’ Carlsberg Laboratory, Plant Physiology Group (DK) & Aarhus University, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics (DK) Expertise: Plant Physiology, Plant Genetics, Next-Generation Sequencing, Gene Expression
Technologiepark Gent (BE)
+32 (0)9 243 0741

Silvia Fluch
Scientist in charge, managing director R&D at ecoduna productions GmbH (ecoduna)
Studies of Biology and Genetics in Graz and Vienna (AT) and studies of organizational development at the IFF University of Klagenfurt (AT). PhD thesis at the Institute of Botany at the University of Vienna (AT) on DNA markers for plant molecular analysis. Expertise: Plant and Algal Molecular Biology, DNA marker development and application for population diversity analysis and species identification (Barcoding), Bioinformatics and Data integration, founder of the DNA repository at AIT.
ecoduna produktions- GmbH
Bruck/Leitha (AT)

Verena Schön
Experienced Researcher (ER) at ecoduna productions GmbH (ecoduna)
Studies of Biology, University of Oldenburg (DE), PhD-Thesis, University of Freiburg (DE): "Iron metabolism in Cyanobacteria-Characterization of the novel player IsaR1" Expertise: Microalgae, Cyanobacteria, Mutagenesis/Gene cloning, Microarray analysis / RNA analysis, especially gene regulation by non-coding RNAs
ecoduna produktions- GmbH
Bruck/Leitha (AT)
+43 66488410227