Complementory training workshop on "Science Communiation" in Vienna (Austria) in November 2015
Directly following the ST4 courses in Vienna and Turku, all CALIPSO ESRs and ERs came together on November 16/17, for a science communication workshop that was organised by Claudia Jonak from the GMI, Vienna at the Vienna Open Lab ( This workshop provided skills for communi-cation with the public andaimed to encourage young scientists to step outside their scientific world to discuss their work with different audiences. The training provided a basic introduction into the broad field of science communication. It showed differentmethods of engaging with the public and addressed challenges in communicating complex topics.
It covered (i) key principles of communication with non-scientists, (ii) how to address different target groups, (iii) issues to be considered when hands-on activities for outreach activities are developed and (iv) training in communicating with a very young audience. In the second part, the ESRs/ERs practised what they had learnt by tutoring a group of primary school children in a hands-on setting at the Vienna Open Lab.